FAQ Canada


Frequently asked questions about studying in Canada

Among the most important conditions that a student who wishes to complete his studies in Canada should have, we find the necessity of obtaining a first baccalaureate, baccalaureate, bachelor’s or master’s degree, in addition to having the specified age according to the degree, and finally proving the student’s health.

There are a number of Canadian universities and institutes that do not require English or French language certificates, but to enroll in high-quality universities and institutes, it is better to have a TOEFL or IELTS certificate. or TCF

Canada has many internationally classified universities and institutes, and the certificates obtained from Canadian universities and institutes are considered highly valued certificates that earn their holder the necessary credibility, whether to complete his academic path or enter the labor market in any country, whether Europe, America, Canada, and undoubtedly also in Morocco in the case of The student chose to return to the national territory.

The duration of study in Canadian institutes and universities is from a year and a half to 6 or 7 years, depending on the specialization

If the student is able to work in parallel with the study, this is legally allowed starting from the student’s first year in Canada, and he is also allowed to work 20 hours per week during the study period and 80 hours per week in vacation

The role of the Safiir office begins with helping students who are confused to choose the appropriate orientation for them with providing many academic advice, then the office takes care of the procedures for applying to universities or institutes and ensuring university admission, while providing the student with all the information he will need and explaining the steps Which he has to track upon arriving in Canada.

As for additional services, such as the airport reception service upon arrival and assistance in finding accommodation for the student, they are also available and can be used when paying their independent costs.

In Canada, there are all disciplines without any exception, including engineering with all its specializations, economics and commerce, media and journalism, medicine and pharmacy, informatics, law and international relations, tourism, agriculture, aviation, fine arts and many other disciplines...

The language of instruction in Canada is French and English

The cost of living in Canada varies according to cities, and on average a student spends for housing, food and living in general, about 600 to 1000 dollars per month.